Kumkum Bhagya TV serial is an ongoing drama TV show comprising 2397 episodes with a duration of 22 minutes each. The romantic TV show Kumkum Bhagya was released on 14th April 2014. The Hindi TV Show revolves around the lives of two daughters of Sarla Arora, namely Pragya Arora Mehra, and Bulbul Arora Mehra. Baljeet Mehra, who is the grandmother of Rockstar Abhishek Mehra, conveys the marriage proposal of Abhishek getting married to Pragya. Abhishek who is in love with another woman unwillingly marries Pragya with the intent to carry forward the revenge of his sister Alia. After several events played by Alia, Pragya, and Abhishek fall in love with each other. Makeup Artist – Amrendra Sharma Did You Know? Kumkum Bhagya Cast and Crewĭirectors – Ravindra Gautam, Sameer Kulkarni, Jeetu AroraĬreative Directors – Shaalu, Nitin Dhall, Rajan PrachiĬinematography – Sanjay Memane, Anil Katke, Shambhu OjhaĮditors – Vishwa Bandhu Giri, Vishal Sharma However, their married life takes several turns with time and they get entangled in a web of troubles. Kumkum Bhagya TV serial was based on a novel titled “Sense and Sensibility” which was written by Jane Austen. This Hindi romantic TV show has a huge fan following in Ghana, West Africa.